In the world of on line dating where it’s so easy to check out the next person, it becomes easy to move on to the next person, the next date. In the online dating world this becomes “nexting”.
That guy has been on that on line dating sight forever. He dates one person for a while and next thing you know he’s out with the next person he met on line. I think he’s addicted to nexting.
by Sunshinegold September 20, 2019
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verb, transitive: to discard someone and move on to the next person; often used in cyber-dating but also used in meatspace
Darlin', after what you did to me, I've got half a mind to next you, but I'll give you one more chance.

He's really hot, but he treats me like so much shit, you think I oughta next his ass?

Dude, I saw your girlfriend out with someone else; looks like she nexted you.
by KathMac June 10, 2007
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verb, transitive: to discard someone and move on to the next person; often used in cyber-dating but also used in meatspace
Darlin’, after what you did to me, I’ve got half a mind to next you, but I’ll give you one more chance.

Alysia, that guy’s really hot, but he treats me like so much shit--you think I oughta next his ass?

Dude, I saw your girlfriend out with someone else; looks like she nexted you.
by KathMac August 8, 2007
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Term used to tell another person, thing, or object that you have dispensed with its use.

Word used to describe a situation or person or thing that you want nothing to do with.

Derived from places of employment where someone working can yell "next!" implying they are moving on from the first person and bringing on another.
Person 1: Man, that girl is such a flirt but will never date me.

Response 1: Dude you've gotta next that girl.
Response 2: Next!

Person 2: That raccoon just tried to eat my face.

Response 1: NEXT that raccoon!
by ruckster87 July 23, 2008
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The act of text messaging someone even though they are standing right next to you or near you, so that no one else knows what they are thinking or saying.
I wanted to tell her how badly I want in her pants during our meeting with the chairman of the board, but I couldn't, so I just nexted her...
by booperguy July 9, 2010
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When you're texting someone that's sitting in the same room, to have a private conversation with other people around.
Nexting is an easy way for people to talk about someone while in the same room with them.
by Yeye BJ October 23, 2019
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