As we all know shitting can be embarassing when hanging out with someone of the opposite sex, so typically we make excuses so when we are gone for an extended ammount of time people do not wonder why.

A reason to leave the room or excuse yourself to go take a crap
"I really gotta go to the bathroom but dont want the girls to know"

"Ah so you gotta take an excuse deuce?"

"Hey I'm running down the hall to see if the neighbors have any DVD's we can borrow Ill be back in 20"
by D rock 27 September 28, 2011
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The obama excuse is used when somebody accuses you of racism in a public area like work or something. For example, an employee named Tyrone feels that he was racially harrased by his fat white redneck boss Ermey at walmart.
The obama excuse is best used to get out of situations when someone accuses you of racism like in a traffic stop.

example bellow
Tyrone: "Mr. Ermey, I am done cleaning the bathroom and pushing carts, what would you like me to work on next?"

Ermey: " How about you pick them "cotton" socks boy?"

Tyrone: "what da fuck?"
sometime later
news reporter: A walmart employee is sueing walmart for 5 million dollars in damages due to racist comments and harrasment by a manager.

Lawyer: " By the holly bible of god, Mr. Ermey Are you racist towards black people?"

Ermey: " Not me, I voted for obama!"

Lawyer: "see ,see your honor, my client is not racist he voted for obama, see!!"

greedy lawyer:"The obama excuse saved walmart once agian in court, yea!"

Ermey: " No way, I voted for Obama and he is black!"
by topmountain August 18, 2010
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A handy printable document that can get you out of life's most horrific situations
"Yo bro -- I need a doctors excuse because I went on a booze binge this weekend and missed three days of school. Know where I can get one?"

"Yeah brah, just hit up and print one out."
by CharlesMacneil July 20, 2013
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Garbage rationalization one uses for justifying poor decisions, deceit, inadequacy, etc. They are often fallacy in themselves that they have adopted as truth in their own head so that they can have a justification for their own illogical actions. It becomes a form of "truth" to the person owning it and using it. Although convincing to the one utilizing it the rest of the world can see it for what it is..irrational, illogical and often nonsensical. Ironically the creation of it is often more laborious then if the truth itself was just presented but in the users mind this is the best path.
No woman wants a bs excuse for why a man cheated.
by Princess Perception August 26, 2015
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Basically wanting to fuck a anime girl that looks like a toddler but you say it's fine because shes "1000 YeArS oLd"
"Bro why do you want to fuck a literal newborn?"

"It's okay bro, shes actually 500 years old"

"Sounds like a classic case of the pedo's excuse to me, but ok"
by 3zhd April 12, 2021
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when you cant get called into work becauce your drunk!
Ive been drinking all day again.So i cant make it to work. so i am using the heinrich excuse
by notme111 August 1, 2010
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