adjective. used to describe something that is cool, or cutting edge.
that new CD was totally edge!
by rockeroverhere July 18, 2006
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Originating from the term Straightedge, edge people do not consume mind altering substances. (This can include Caffeine, Alcohol, Drugs and promiscuous sex) Lots of people who are Edge show this by putting 'x's on their hands.
Person 1: Yo man are you edge.
Person 2: Yeah man, true till death.
by anti-hero November 6, 2004
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When a man is performing oral sex on another man and then stops right when the guy is about to cum.
Steve: oh yeah Koeppen keep suckin my dick I'm just about to cum. Hey Koeppen, what the hell, why did you stop
Koeppen: Sorry man I had to EDGE you. I want to savor your juicy dong.
Steve: Dude don't EDGE me, Just finish me off and ill let you suck it again after you swallow my big ol load.
Koeppen: Sweet man, I sure do love your cock
by Jimmy magina December 8, 2016
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An anti-social person with no real friends, only online acquaintances. He pretends to possess the knowledge to "hack" but in reality can barely run a computer. He is obsessed with Macs, even though he runs on Windows. He has zero self-confidence, but hides that fact through a combination of bravado, arrogance, and just plain meanness.
That guy is so edge, nobody believes his BS.

That guy is edge. Nobody likes him.
by mememe123 December 9, 2004
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Something real, something that makes people stare and not blink.
1.Your system never crushes.....

2.oh boy, this one right here is the edge!
by the-operator June 30, 2010
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one who wears "X's" on both of their hands, to signify that one neither drinks nor smokes. Started in California, where we’ve got more bounce, it’s used as an unspoken message to people in a club, specifically nightclubs. As to say: “Hey! I’m ‘clean’ & 'edge' so I don’t drink or do X… so don’t offer.”
1.) Boy #1: (holding up a 6 pack) Hey bro, you chill?
Boy #2: Naw, I’m edge. (holds up hands with "X's" on them) But thanks.
by That boy, Timmy October 23, 2006
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EDGE (Enhanced Data GSM Environment), a faster version of the Global System for Mobile (GSM) wireless service, is designed to deliver data at rates up to 384 Kbps and enable the delivery of multimedia and other broadband applications to mobile phone and computer users. The EDGE standard is built on the existing GSM standard, using the same time-division multiple access (TDMA) frame structure and existing cell arrangements.
The new european 3g gsm phones use edge for high speed data transfer enabling wireless video conferencing
by jetplane January 24, 2005
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