A squid is someone who doesn't get invited to a party. A squid instead stays home and plays video games and has the time of his life.
"Yo Andrew didn't come tonight"
"Wow what a squid"
by nure99 September 21, 2014
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A male who is a push-over when it comes to women. Most often, a squid encompasses certain characteristics that cause him to be an individual who frequently gets walked over by females. A squid is the type of guy who kisses a woman's ass and showers her with gifts with the intention of gaining her favor - it is the only way he knows how to gain a woman's attention because his game is extremely limited. However, despite his efforts, he never succeeds because of his pussified and chumpish squid-like manner.
Dude, stop kissing that bitchy girl's ass - you're acting like a total squid.
by Z@cHf@ng July 26, 2011
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Sexual act involving the insertion of the testes and semi-limp penis into said vagina.
I fucked so long I had no choice but to go squiding last night.
by delusional in Tx December 28, 2010
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Simply a way to label a person a cunt without having to use the word
by Mangwanani October 13, 2010
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person 1- “Leo looks like he’d be an octopus
person 2- “Nah he’s definitely a squid
by oldmcgloghlin February 22, 2019
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Someone who is being a big dork, aka a useless ball of jelly. Related to the cartoon Rocket Power
The band geeks are a bunch of squids
by googlebear October 1, 2012
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a backstabber, snitch, or untrustable person. commonly used by somalians.
Guy 1: Yo that guy just took my spot in line!
Guy 2: Fuckin' squid!
by tyebb September 28, 2011
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