A noob who only fires about 10 shots per game and spends the rest of the time hiding all the way in the back squatting under cover because he/she is too scared to get their ass lit up or too lazy to run away. Usually stays by the starting point of the game and has crappy stamina and aim.
Player 1: Dude did you see that squatter by our base?

Player 2: Yea man, what a fag.

Player 1: Man, i hate paintball squatters
by Paintball_rules May 19, 2010
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One who is savage like; has savage like behavior. May also be one whom constantly has very pungent aroma that follows. Generally can work with any situation.
"Ew yuck! It smells like Oscar out here! Potter Squatter!"
by William du'welly II January 11, 2014
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A shock site where a man proceeds to squat on a glass jar (inserting it into his anus) and the glass jar breaks inside his anus.
'Did you ever see Jar Squatter!?'
by discoxtonks February 19, 2009
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1. A squatter often found dwelling naked in your cupboard
2. A person who premature ejaculates at the sight of cupboards
3. Check your cupboard; it is common for a creature known as Jim to be masturbating in there
FUCK ME! There's a naked squatter in my cupboard!

Hey James! There's a young boy fapping in my cupboard. Don't worry, it's just another naked squatter.

Seriously, you've been in there 3 weeks. Stop masturbating and go home! Fucking naked squatters...
by Charlie McV January 24, 2009
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Someone who camps out in, or moves into an office (see Layoffice) recently vacated by layoffs.
Who's that guy in Joe's office? Ah, he's just a layoff squatter.
by Biff Turkle July 14, 2009
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A Squatter who pays the utility bills to keep the lights and water on in a foreclosed house
john and mary are urban squatters. they live in a foreclosed home and pay the utilities to keep the lights and water on.
by fochef May 10, 2011