To withhold a newpaper story.
Sorry, your story was spiked. Too controversial.
by Scoop's May 5, 2007
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Only expelling fecal matter in public restrooms when someone else is using the hand dryer, flushing the toilet, or anything that produces equal noise levels.
But...Hand dryers and toilets flushing only last for so long, therefore you must "spike it" to avoid making noise.
Commonly used by people who care too much about what other people think. Or those who wish to reduce unsavory bathroom noises.
Man there was alot of people in the crapper, I was spiking it hard!
Dude I the most brutal diarhhea, I didnt have the sphincter power to spike it, everyone heard and laughed.
by Kitchenstadium January 24, 2007
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1. to add alcohol or any intoxicating to a drink that does not have any when first purchased. rise to a high level quickly

3. to strike a volleyball upward so that it is more likely to hit the ground
Someone tried to spike the smoothie mix.
by The Return of Light Joker October 30, 2008
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In theatre, it is the act of placing tape on a stage indicating to an actor where he, or she must be at an important point in the play. This occurs periodically during blocking and usually involves glow-in-the-dark tape.
Spike this and set for next scene.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 22, 2005
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The act of inserting a finger into the anus while performing oral sex. Usually it's male to female or in the gay community male to male or female to female but could apply to female to male
I gave her "the spike" while I was going down on her. Drove her crazy man!!
by bernard August 1, 2006
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To put drugs in an unsuspecting female's drink, with the intent of date rape etc.
<Man-1> I spiked her drink with rohipnol
<Man-2> Damn! I wish I'd thought of that!
by IronCamel August 29, 2003
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I need a clean spike for my next shot
by notnomore November 25, 2006
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