32 definitions by Ron_Thornbrash
Orinally a poem post Civil War that makes a metaphor comparing Lincoln to a captian of a boat who dies at the end, the phrase became famous from the 1989 movie "The Dead Poet Society" staring Robin Williams. The whole point of the phrase is that William's character was an English teacher who had his student's address him with that phrase while standing on their desks.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 23, 2005
The greatest British soul singer fo all time. He toured as Joe Cocker and the Grease Band for a while. His biggest songs were the Beatles "With a little help from my friends", "Feelin' Alright", "The Letter" and "Love Picked us up". The last one is his most annoying. It was for the movie "An Officer and a Gentlemen". It's jsut a really sappy song, but the rest are just kick ass!
by Ron_Thornbrash May 23, 2005
We smuggled illegal fireworks into the county.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 24, 2005
the most evil, bloddy, cursed and short plays ever written by Shakespeare. In the story, Lord MacBeth meets up with three witches who say he's going to be king of scotland. MacBeth decides to speed the process up a bit and kills the king of Scotland, King Duncan. As king he starts killing off anyone he fears until Duncan's son, Malcolm, and lord MacDuff form in army in England to overthrow MacBeth. In the end Malcolm becomes king, MacBeth's wife goes insane and kills herself and McDuff shows up on stage with MacBeth's head. The big thing is that the play is cursed and it's bad luck to say it in a theatre. Those who believe in the curse refer to it as "The Scottish Play".
by Ron_Thornbrash May 24, 2005
The fictional device that the Russians had in Dr. Strangelove that would automatically set off if the USA ever attacked the Soviet Union. It's detination would destroy the entire world. The reasoning was that it was a whole lot cheaper to make it and threaten the world then try to keep up in Arms Race, Space Race and Peace Race against the USA.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 22, 2005
A phrase tapped onto a noun giving the object in question more significance, or importance. The object in question does not need to be relatively big or old.
It originated in the south and has spread throughout the US.
It originated in the south and has spread throughout the US.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 22, 2005
The act of clearing a stage of all props, set and debris. This can include setting the set up again for the next performance or dismantaling the set for good and storing the props for another show.
by Ron_Thornbrash May 22, 2005