another way to say spic, yet at the same time, attempt to hide your racism or pretend that you are not racist. similar to the word naggle.
mexico city, with a population of about 10 million, is spice world.
by chuck February 1, 2005
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to spice;

to fuck.

also, to make passionate love to, with great feeling.
"Just spice me and get it over with!"

"I want you to spice me, love."
by rubiesinblood September 8, 2004
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Multiple marriage partners; husbands and/or wives.
My spice (Aaron and Erica) keep making out. But that's Ok because I have totally done them both like infinity times.
by Mr. Very December 3, 2004
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(n. or adj.) Awesome in every conceivable way.
Barry White is the spice.


Wow, that girl is spice.
by Spicelito August 2, 2005
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To shoot at someone but not actually knowing if the shots are hitting the intended person.
"I was wit my nigga yesterday, but we went to the store and saw that bitchass lil boy. So I pull the gun out and started rocking at his ass. I don't know if he alive or not but I spiced his ass up."
by LightBoyDan May 3, 2019
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a term used synonymously with "salted", meaning to be "dissed" or "pissed off"
For instance...when someone calls yo mama fat, you are SPICED!
by your moms a slut September 9, 2006
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a very attractive or provocative female; tantalizing to the male eye (in a spicy manner)
Guy1: Hey that Megan Fox is hot
Guy2: Yeah shes the spice
by That one dan January 2, 2009
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