Sammy is a man who doesn't shower and just ends up smelling like cheese, a fun loving man who does what he wants when he wants, the greatest man you know
That Sammy sure is stinky, but you gotta love him
by BigBlastyMan December 3, 2019
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1. To Sammy is to participate in numerous sexual activities with a variety of partners at the same time; frowned upon by sick fucks
2. Hot chick who is always found beating emmy
3. A Sammy is another word for bird fetish, to Sammy is to commit dangerous, offensive and illegal acts with birds, usually sparrows (they're so darn cute)
1. That person loves to Sammy, all the fucking time
2. That Sammy, she's always beating up poor emmy, at least she's hot
3. Ew! You sick fuck stop Sammy-ing with my bird!
by Rachypoo August 25, 2006
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A Sammy is very good at being a bitch and can put on a sad act and manipulate people expertly in many other ways. She will call other people slags, sluts and whores because she knows that she herself is all of these things and needs to hide it from herself. The same applies to her looks, though she is very ugly by human standards, she has to point out the flaws of others to keep herself happy, and she is happy, though due to her many efforts that go into attention seeking you might not know it.
"Look at her with all those guys"
"Yeah she's such a Sammy"
by Officer Jenny June 20, 2009
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Spotted Dick (pudding) as phrased by the mighty CrowBowen
Man I could kill a good slice of Sammy drenched in Custard
by Belly2504 January 31, 2019
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A nice, kind, loving, passionant girl always ready to put herself out there. A Sammy has so much to talk about and knows where to put her foot down when she's being mistreated. Usually full names are Samantha and nick names are Sammy or Sam. Always loves to be a helping hand and to help others and is an easy friend maker. Smart too.
"Hey that person is sooo nice, helping those poor people."
"She is such a Sammy."
"Woa man totally."
by awusum34 June 23, 2012
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the act of inserting ones penis ina lotion bottle for pleasure,or out of desperacy. (also called a jackie)
jim got tired of not gettiong ass so he gave himself a sammy
by cold-air June 23, 2011
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