walmart robin hood - one who takes from the rich and gives to the poor via walmart
The walmart robin hood wheeled in his cart and wheeled it back out full
by timmihoz December 14, 2017
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A name for the v shape of a minge, or hairy gash, similar to the shape of Robin Hood's Hat
"Oh sweet Maid Marion may i remove your under crackers?"
"Yes oh evil sheriff of Nottingham and make it quick, i'm foaming at the gash"
"My word Maid Marion, the shape of your minge looks rather like Robin Hood's hat!!!"
by griggy October 20, 2006
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The act of stealing when intoxicated, only to feel guilty the next day and give the items to charity.

"How comes that designer leather jacket ended up in the charity shop for only £2?"
"It must have been Drunk Robin Hooding"
by Sobski February 12, 2009
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A cold person wearing a green hoodie who steals from the rich body shops to give to the poor insureds. Maid Marion Spector's love interest.
PD Training--
Maid Marion: "OMG!!! You're so cute! You look like a Black Robin Hood!"
by Bilo and the Carpenter February 27, 2010
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A policy redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor.
1. The European Common Agricultural Policy is not a Robin Hood Policy. It takes from the public and the very poor and gives helpes the rich.

2. Did you hear Obama wants to put this Robin Hood Policy in place to make Health Insurance available to everyone?
by joshi- March 17, 2010
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robin hood was the great storybook character who stole from the rich and redistributed it to the poor.

similarly, taking objects that do not raise too much concern from rich estates such as a highly-profitting company (basically those that are still around today after surviving the financial crisis) to supplement your poor (relative,) life or the lives of the poor (again, relative) around you, such as your friend or family.
"Here Denise, I brought you some more stationery to supplement your pencil case for school. Here's 10 erasers, 23 yellow hi-lighters and a box full of brand new pencils. Don't forget to share them with your friends in school!"

"Thanks for robin hood-ing your company for me, mommie!"


"Gee, mom, did you just robin hood your company again?"
by michiebee November 16, 2009
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He robs from the poor and gives to the rich.
Donald trump or Chris Christie must be the Jewish robin hood. Because all they do is rob from the poor and gives to the rich.
by Thorgrim 1965 July 24, 2017
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