A fake "holiday" promoted by incels who take out their frustrations stemming from being lonely virgins out on women, by justifying sexual assault.
Zack: Imma go out and rape Charlene today. After all it is national Rape day.

Charlene: Punches him in the face and breaks his nose*
by Rotten Turkey May 25, 2022
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A FAKE THING. It was created to be a “holiday” for a bunch of little white virgin boys to rape women, don’t worry babes I’ll shield y’all from the degenerates <333
sigmakid391: yoo can’t wait for National Rape Day

Decent humans: please go to a psychologist bro
by ifuckinghatesnapchat February 4, 2023
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Its not even a fucking day .. some men are just too sick in the fucking head 🖕🏻
cut this "National Rape Day" shit tf out.. its gonna cause people to go suicidal.
by fuckingstupid- April 24, 2021
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a day created by 6 horny 60-year-old men because they think rape is funny. for those of you who think this shit is funny go rot in hell for fucking eternity. if you're planning on participating in this I hope you know you are a disgusting idiot. nah nah cuz it's all fun and games until your sister/mom/wife/girlfriend/female friend/female cousin/aunt/any female important to you gets raped. go fuck yourself you nasty piece of shit.
james charles : y'all it's national rape day. now our charges won't count because today it's legal!
the lopez brothers : let's goooooooo
me : best friend, give me my taser-
by bbgharm April 21, 2021
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a fucking disgusting day that some boys made on tik tok. ur a pos if u participate
“hey did u know it’s national rape day?”

what the fuck
by bruh_lol April 22, 2021
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Some horny men created this national rape day,they think it's funny,like please.

Man:Hey dude have you heard about the 24th April?
It's national Rape day!
This is gonna be fun!
Me:It is fun till your sister mom or women from your family gets raped.
National Rape Day
by Ari :v April 19, 2021
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It should be a thing. Not a day where you are allowed to rape innocent people, but a day where VICTIMS raise awareness about rape.

And if you think rape is fine, go die in fucking hell please. AND TEACH YOUR SONS THAT S/A IS NOT RIGHT..WHEN SOMEONE SAYS ''NO'' ITS NO.
Boy one: YAY ITS NATIONAL RAPE DAY! Lets go rape some innocent girls to traumatize them. *walks up to a girl trying to grab them*
Girl one:*sprays pepper spray in his eyes and cuts off his penis and balls and shoves them down his throat*
by I am anonymous bro January 14, 2022
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