Awesome rock band that people bash because the lead singer (Freddie Mercury) was homosexual. They had good songs, they had bad songs. Bohemian Rhapsody is an example of a good song. Bicycle Race is an example of a bad song.
Queen is awesome. If you think Queen is gay, Freddie Mercury's ghost will haunt you in your sleep.
by JordaNinten November 26, 2005
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1. Describing a girl who is bad ass, gorgeous, or who “slays”. A girl who is above average and amazing at everything. A girl as perfect as can be.

2. Royal Status given to a women.

3. Over dramatic men, most times gay.
1. Damn she slays! What a queen!

2. Oh she’s the Queen of England

3. Ugh stop being such a queen.
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New use as a VERB.

The act of a homosexual causing a major scene (a.k.a. hissy fit) and doing it with the flair and tempo and volume that only an agitated homosexual can muster.
As in:

"OMG, When the dry cleaners lost my best suit, I was 'queening'"
by bubbles March 21, 2005
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An extremely effeminate, catty, bitchy gay male who is, in "her" own mind, definitely more fabulous than you will ever even dream of being.
"Honey! I am the Queen Bitch, Supreme Bitch, kill a nigga for my nigga, by any means Bitch, Murder Scene Bitch, Clean Bitch. Disease Free Bitch!!!"
by Epiphany August 20, 2005
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A term used in urban communities in place of “black woman”. It is used to sound uplifting and make black women feel special. Despite queens actually being a rarity, the term is given to any and all who want to claim it regardless of attitude or class.
Male 1: Bruh, do you see those ghetto bitches fighting over there?
Male 2: Do you mean our queens?
Male 1: ...umm sure. Let’s call them that.
by ImAnonymous1 September 7, 2020
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a man (usually gay) who dresses in women's clothing and is fully aware that he is more fabulous than you... and everyone else.
"man, that chick had a dick"
"that wasn't a chick, dude, it was a queen"
by darby xx crash September 1, 2003
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