A term used in the early 1970's US Army Paratrooper School to describe the fear of jumping out of an airplane for the first time.
He had so much pucker factor as he was about to jump, you couldn't drive a ten penny nail with a two pound hammer through his ass.
by plumber extraordinaire August 22, 2003
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The collapsing of the vagina after being fisted.
Dude, my mom has amazing penis pucker!
by Harry Kak August 9, 2006
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An ass recently waxed and bleached.
Her pale pucker gleamed brightly in the darkness of her bedroom.
by John A W September 11, 2005
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A wuss, Pansy or Pussy.

When your nut sack puckers up so badly from fear that it gets sucked back up into your body.

AKA, no balls.

Pucker Nut is used when subject only has one testicle.
Friends, "Hey Ted, Take that there spoon and mason jar and get us some honey from that African bee hive."

Ted says, "Fuck that shit. That's suicide!!"

Friends, "Come on Pucker Nuts, I want fucking honey for my lemon tea right now!"
by Silversnow May 6, 2011
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A coveted occupation where one sqeezes the poop out of ducks for minimum wage.
Look at the doop-pucker squeeze that chick.
by daddypapa September 14, 2006
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That amalgam of sweat and remnants of a poor wipe job that form around the anus and creates unforgiving rectal itching.
My oring is swimming in pucker jelly. I need to shower bad.
by Eaton Holgoode February 19, 2018
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