Buying or selling sex.
Lol, you do prostitution? Why would you pay for sex? That’s like buying fortnite. You can literally get pussy for free!
by Urfluff May 24, 2020
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A woman who realizes that she is only going through motions when she has sex, and might as well be getting paid.
I'm not a prostitute, I'm a pragmatist!
by Killing Kittens May 22, 2004
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The ultimate window shopping for males. When you go round the red light district with no intention of actually getting a hooker.

May also be referred to simply as "Tutin'" in some cultural circles.
"That was some awesome weed, do you wanna go do a spot of tutin' on the way home?"

"Sure thing, i've got a lot of time for prostituting, me."
by The Tutor. February 15, 2009
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1. the act of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment from a person with whom you are not in a relationship with.
2. the act of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment from a husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend, in the form of contiued love and support be it moral, emotional, or financial.
Sex is legal. Getting paid is legal. What's wrong with being a prostitute? Prostitution is nothing more than being paid for sex.
by wildonecpl July 6, 2004
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One who sells his/her body for money or other payment. They often have pimps.

For one of the biggest prostitutes to ever walk the earth, see Alex Rodriguez. For information about his pimp, see Steinbrenner
Many baseball players are prostitutes, including A-Fraud.
by yodayodayodayoda July 30, 2006
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Someone who has sex for money or other expensive items. Also someone who while havx realizes that she might as well get paid for it instead of giving it away to noncaring boyfriends and /or husbands. Also it is usually married men who pay for prostitutes, because wives or girlfriends usually don't give oral sex and /or the browneye
"Joe was fed up with his wife not sucking his dick, so he went to a prostitute."
by Slymenstra May 19, 2005
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The practice of exchanging sex for money, goods or favours - by people who have the integrity to admit what they are doing.

Contrary to popular stupidity very few whores are coerced and most are self-employed, or work through agencies.

Yes it's squalid, and I will stop doing it the moment someone explains to me how it's morally worse than the 'approved' method of going to clubs and lying your way into some drunken slut's minge.
I can see why prostitution may have been harmful to society when there was still a society to harm.
by Lord Grimcock May 18, 2008
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