A adult who prays on small children using discord, telling them to do lude and sexual things. They will send nudes and will almost always be fat and retarded.
by Suicidal doorknob April 4, 2019
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A sexual predator who uses dating sites and social media to find, meet, hook up with willing participants. Though it may appear consensual, these predators are able to hide or justify their actions with the “mutual consent” position of the act.
Every day (insert person) is on their phone searching for someone to hook up with. I guess business is good because (insert person) has countless tales and notches on their bedposts. It’s obvious that (he/she/zie ) is a sexual predator. But because the other person participated willingly, it would be best to say, a consensual predator.
by Glamrockster December 14, 2020
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A handshake from the 1980's movie "Predator" between Arnold Schwarzeneggar & Carl Weathers - This handshake is so epic that it is thought to have given birth to Chuck Norris.
"Dillon" - You Son of a Bitch! Predator Handshake & Awesomeness commences....
by Matt- Moo October 13, 2011
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1.) (n.) a sexual predator who uses chat rooms, instant messenging, or social networking sites for the purpose of flirting with and meeting others for illicit sexual experiences. Pedophiles, hebephiles, and pederasts who encourage secret meetings or solicite sex with their targeted demographic through these methods are considered to be online predators.

2.) A mammal belonging to Order Carnivora (tigers, grizzly bears, timber wolves, wolverines, raccons, etc.) with an internet connection.
1.) Doug is an online predator. He's in chat rooms or on MSN all day trying to hook up with young girls. What a sicko.

2.) Zippy the Squirrel was killed by an online predator. I didn't even know that a grizzly bear could type!
by Blenderhead1991 May 14, 2009
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a person that is kind of a couch potato but cooler, and is so hot that them being on the couch makes it totally more badass than before.
look at that girl over there on the couch she is so hot she is a total couch predator
by Kalta QT/Englapukinn September 23, 2009
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(noun) Euphemism for a somewhat intimidating looking vagina, especially one with curved pedipalpical hook-shaped teeth and an Ozzy Osborne hairstyle. Not usually considered an aphrodisiac.
"I heard that the Governor of California only got his job because of his onscreen performance in giving the Predator's face a good licking."
by HMB November 24, 2003
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Referring to the elderly community that lives in South Florida. Due to their lack of mobility, and tendency to wear floral shirts, they blend into the natural background like the monster from the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie The Predator. Only with dentures this time.
"I was walking up from the beach earlier today, and ran straight into a Floridian Predator." "Impossible to see those guys!"

"Dude look out!" "You are walking straight towards a group of Floridian Predators!"
by Pill Collins January 12, 2010
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