A name that you give to puppies that crap all over the house no matter how hard you try to housebreak them.
I rescued two little poopies from the animal shelter. My carpets will never be the same....
by Hackermom December 11, 2005
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brown stuff that comes out of your arse hole
i think i have a poop that looks like aberham lincoln in the toilett
by ali me bitch February 17, 2005
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Poopy is an affectionate word one can give his or her girlfriend/boyfriend.
Boyfriend: - Hi poopy, how was your day?
Girlfriend: - Very good, except for the fact that I almost stepped in dog poo...
by Super jew December 19, 2006
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adj. The quality of being poop; stinky; insult when used describing a person.
Hey yo poopy!
by V-alien December 12, 2005
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Noun: To become ill, but not for an obvious reason. Such as your girlfriend owns your ass, and since you are pissed about that you become "poopie".
Mike: Dude, what is up with Lou?
Patrick: Shit dude, he has been poopie all day about his wife and how she is spanking him about the laundry not being done.
by Themastercylinder February 28, 2006
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anything of or relating to being poopy

basically anything that just sucks ass

also can be used as a word to express great joy in times of hardship, kind of like right on! or fa sho! ya know...poopiness!

also spelled poopyness depending on the kind of use, poopyness is actual poop that comes out of ones booty

while poopiness isnt, because let's face it poop is gross
aw holyshitbitchmuddafudda dude, i broke a nail, thats straight up poopiness!!!

man last night i was constipated, it was poopyness
by dom the rapper April 14, 2006
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poopie is stinky and sometimes large in size.
i went for a poopie today. it smelled really bad.
by KeeKee656575744 November 15, 2006
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