a slang term for a vagina (or a jingle jangle, if you will)
"Dude, that hobo just grabbed my poe! I think he's drunk!"
"She's such a slut, she like opens her poe to anyone with a penis."
by J-Bizzle and A-Dizzle January 24, 2003
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Slang word in Afrikaans for being a dom ding
by poessi July 14, 2022
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Girls who take the place of side chicks in a male's life.
I heard he got so many poes his wife doesn't know about
by Ghostie945x March 7, 2022
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that's a big poes
by tony November 12, 2003
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the 'palace of excess'- a hidden place in southern california where lesbians and transgedered bois hang out, smoke hookah and other substances, have impromptu dance parties and fast food runs, write movie scripts and book manuscripts, paint, play, swing and enjoy free love and commune in the more intense and inspiring artistic environment ever know to humankind. the POE's whereabouts are only known to its select VIP members and rumor has it that the wait list is very long.
hey dude, party at the POE. byobb
by bob hopkins December 24, 2004
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Program of Excellence - Hockey

a high performance program that offers elite athletes the opportunity to represent their province and beyond

it is usually the first step a young hockey athlete takes en-route to a career in the business of hockey.
Johnny Little got invited to the under 16 Program of Excellence (poe) camp. After doing good in the camp he got selected to play for the Under 16 Team Canada team and was also drafted into the CHL
by HockeyCanada992 October 25, 2009
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