During sexual intercourse, the person on top does nothing to support their weight, hence "pancaking" out on their partner. Opposite of starfish. Usually done with dead eyes and zero effort.
"I was just so tired last night, I pancaked the shit out of him"

"That girl was such a pancake, never doing that again."
by AOII's In the Bathroom February 27, 2010
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Where you slap someone stomach with an open palm, and then proceed to yell PANCAKE! The object of this game is to pancake someone/anyone when they least expect it, and try not to get pancaked back. Once started, this game can go for several years, but not actually end.
*slap* PANCAKE!

SHIT! I got pancaked again!
by Lauzxx February 24, 2008
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A pancake is someone, either guy or girl, that you like or think is wicked fine. It serves as a flirty pet name that works everytime.
Amy:"hey whats up dylan?"
Dylan:"hey pancake"
Steve:"damn, amy is fine"
Dylan:"i know, but she's my pancake"
by steven marcus2 April 21, 2006
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An expression used for a woman who has large breasts.
That girl is a straight up pancake! She's stacked!
by Stads October 11, 2008
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In football, a type of block in which a player hits another player with enough force to knock him down, with the blocked player usually landing flat on his back.
The right guard totally pancaked that blitzing linebacker.
by apost8 November 22, 2003
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1. To end a relationship suddenly.

2. To break up with an individual without prior warning.

3. To get dumped by someone and remain clueless to the reason.
1. "I pancaked the relationship."

2. "It's time to pancake Jim."

3. "I got pancaked."
by Barflies January 19, 2006
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From anime,games and webcomic :

To be flatten by something or someone, it is call pancaked. When pancaked, the person is squish to a very small height but more in length, pancaked is use to describe a person get flatten so flat it is like the size of a pancake (Or paper). The person is unable to move and couldn't do anything, and are defenseless. Person who are pancaked can be pick up and throw or turn over.... :D
Usually done by hitting someone with a hammer or a large object falling on them in anime and games.
1. Person1: Become a pancake!


Person 2: I'm a human pancake.....

Person 2: I look stupids, don't I.... No, please don't pick me up and turn me over!!! Please! Don't!....No...

2. I'm as flat as a pancake, a my?
by Believe what's in mind June 23, 2009
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