when someone or something is either shown too much or talked about too much
John Cena is completley overrated
The Twilight Saga is overrated.
by Lalaland is back BITCHES August 18, 2011
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Not nearly as cool as people think it is.
Compaq is overrated. Windows is overrated. Starcraft and Q3A and Simcity3000 and GTA3 are cool.
by Notorious D.O.U.C.H.E. September 22, 2003
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When it reaches the point that something/someone is praised of too much. Either it is rated or appraised too highly.
shakespeare's work is overrated
iPods are overrated. They are unreliable and too many people think too well of them.
by !Poppy July 22, 2006
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When something is better than it actually is, and people make so much of it, when in reality, it's really not that good.
Man1: DANG, Lebron James is my hero he's so good.
Dude: Hes really not that good man.
Man1: What are you talking about?!?!?!
Dude: Well I think he's overrated
by definitionmaster011 March 28, 2011
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Someone or something that is super famous or popular for no reason or is boring to some people.
Person - I love Charli D'amelio, she just hit 100 mil followers
Person 2 - Ehh, I think she is overrated.
by some one random :)) January 2, 2021
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A descriptive word used by an individual when that individual notes a person or object of current popularity which to the individual does not appear to merit said popularity.
Country music singer Kenny Chesney is often associated with the term Overrated.
by ThePointe March 18, 2008
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most of the girls who posted pictures in under the definition "hot" or "hottie"; see 'misguided' or 'wrong'
That first Asian chick is WAY overrated.
by Batswana Bob January 8, 2005
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