An Obama is crazy awesome, willing to change the world for the better, kicks bush's ass, and last but not least is black.
Barack Obama is classified as an Obama because he fits the criteria above.
by Leggiooo January 21, 2009
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Hey Jimmy, i need you to 'obama' my car.

President Obama is willing to 'obama' Bush's problems.
by abutawnee July 25, 2009
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someone that everyone here is bashing for some reason. if everyone says that hes not going to change anything. and that hes only part black or hes a 'hussein' or his ideas are stupid. why then did he win the campaign? there must be something about him that people like. he gave people hope when they needed it. whocares what he is, black or muslim or white. if he can do something for this country, then thats all tha should matter to anyone. he won and hes gonna do his best. and if you oppose, tough shit.
obama won.
by dontdohate January 27, 2009
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adjective: referring to something that is very good, stylish, or otherwise positive. synonymous to "cool".
"I love your hat. It's so Obama."
by STMop November 10, 2008
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President of the U.S. of A.
Obama is black, and he likes gay people.
by SailorJailer November 3, 2009
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The 44th president of the United States, born in Hawaii to a white mother from Kansas and a black father from Kenya, which technically makes him biracial but according to the one drop rule it would be appropriate to call him the first black president
Obama campaigned on change, reforming healthcare and getting our troops out of Iraq, so far he has mostly kept his promises.
by Mr.Juan-derful September 15, 2010
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A source of paranoia for idiot republicans who can't pull there head out of their asses and give credit to him for anything.
Our last president was a retarded coke fiend who cheated his way through an election, but Obama is the anti-christ.
by Jessen93 August 10, 2009
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