LID often used in technology vertical, means; Lazy Incompetent Developer
Tony is such a LID, it took him 3 days to code a simple report and then he didn't even bother to validate the report met the requirements, so now I have to fix the issues.
by MyCrankyPants April 19, 2016
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The act of performing oral sex whereby the tongue of the person performing it covers the vagina or the anus completely acting as a lid over the body part in question.

Originated in Streatham Vale, London.
I gave her/him a proper lidding last night. He lidded the punani out of me.
by Jamaichindian October 12, 2015
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to "lid" is to be a Bodyboarder
by Dakine February 19, 2003
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1)English slang: derogatory term for the foreskin of a man's penis.
2)Used as a humourous and manly insult.
1) He peeled back his lid and rendered his girlfriend unconcious with the aromatic smell.

2)Guy 1:"Here's the money I forgot to pay your mum last night"
Guy 2:"Shut up, lid." ¬_¬`
by Ash C December 2, 2005
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getting a blowjob, aka dome or head.
blowjob head dome face skull
man, that girl gave me some outstanding lid last night.
she gives some mean lid.
by J-Money/Schmeezy December 20, 2004
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I got no weed man, can I build a lid with yar gear?
by toastface July 29, 2005
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keep flapping your lid, and I'm 'a pop you
by Pimpsta April 17, 2003
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