A Negative Person who is of average or below intelligence that has an over exaggerated sense of grandeur, usually attempting to bully or degradate someone based off of false perceptions that only that person can conjure up in their own mind. an overt internal projection of their own insecurities manifested as a boastful pride in an attempt to appear stronger and more exalted than they really are which comes off as annoying and irritating to interact with.
ღ Ɇʍҍҽɾ ღ : lol hes just less intelligent than a turd rolled in grease
Scout: hehe...and full of himself
ღ Ɇʍҍҽɾ ღ : thats what you call a Narciss-shit
Scout: haha
by Harlot O'scara January 10, 2019
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Oh? You did a study to confirm the thing that I saw with my naked eye? And I was CORRECT AGAIN? Hohohohoho! I got them good brains baby! At a correlation of .6 no less!?
Hym "Hooooooooooo-MAN! Look at all this malignant narcissism I saw years before the most accomplished psychologist on the planet! Wow I must be some kind of genius! Great job me! Wooooooooo!"
by Hym Iam June 18, 2023
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And the fucked up part about it is in the beginning I said it was "Collective Narcissism." Didn't I? Yes. Yes I did. I would talk about it all of the time. You're 5 years behind and I'm still not getting credit.
Hym "Isn't that wild that I can actually say that 'A lot of our problem is a form of Collective Narcissism.' Look at that!"

Iam "That was me..."

Hym "Great job me!"

Dr. Jeepjorp "You're one of the narcissists."

Iam "Aw, hey! It's Dr Jeep..."

Hym "So are you shit-ass! 'They are who we thought they were!'~That one guy. That is hilarious! And what do I get? You guys are handling this all wrong my guy. Not to piss in your bed or anything. I don't think I could live your life better than you. It's the other way around. You can't blame me for watching the game and seeing a fumbles. I should call you guy team fumbles. A man ahead of his time. The ultimate innate psychoanalysts prowess. I just wish I could see the looks on your faces when you realize I'm right about some of this shit. I can't even image."
by Hym Iam September 14, 2022
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1. A conversation where someone only talks about themselves. 2. A narcissistic conversation. 3. The kind of conversation you have with a self-absorbed asshole.
"He wouldn't stop talking about himself. It was a total narcissation."
by Barbaraetc February 19, 2014
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In the wake of mass nigga moments The left forced all males to take it up the ass and appreciate and respect their cultural narcissism.
by Sackrateez June 7, 2022
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Mental disorder where appearance of everything including oneself is seen as the throne of God itself, to the extent people who are just minding their own business enjoying the day and don’t let anyone ruin it are labeled as dangerous; Complete inability to handle rejection and in such arrested development, everyone must pay for your bad days; Most tech males, Southern-American men and Vladimir Putin.
“The Ukrainians are smiling, but don’t like us. They must be evil. The West is smiling, but don’t agree with us. They must be evil...etc.” -Putin “No, you just have narcissism and the rest of us are in reality.” -Earth
by M’Lady March 24, 2022
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To be only capable of loving yourself at a exaggerating level.

Narcissism ruins lives and is one of the main reasons this world has problems.

People who are a narcissist think very highly of themselves with no reason or proof at all.

They are almost always arrogant, egotistical, manipulative, have little to no empathy and have a desire to control the people closest to them.

When feeling personally attacked they will react very recklessly or very tactical on the current situation, no matter who or what will suffer the consequences.

Most relationships (especially the people closest to them like: partner, parent, child) will become very toxic over time.

When that happens the narcissist will always blame them for their "mistakes" en try to make them believe they are the bad person by almost any means neccesary like telling carefully constructed lies with fake proof or by manipulating the third party.

This can cause emotional issues to the victims that can follow up with other mental problems like depression or even narcissism itself.

The worst thing is that they are AWARE of their behaviour.

The best thing to do is to leave them. When that is not possible go talk with the people you trust and/or seek help and information about them.

When engaged in a discussion with one, try to trap the creature with proven truth, especially in front of honest people or let it "bump it's head" in the near future.

Never. Let. These. People. Get. To. You.
by some kind of rando May 15, 2020
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