There is nothing more to say about the subject.
Those from the Boston area remarked that around there they tended to bang a Louie rather than hang one (or even just sedately take one), which was taken by the less charitable on the list as a comment on the driving habits of Bostonians. ’Nuff said.
by Loki the Croaky January 24, 2005
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Nuff- Meaning 'enough' also meaning - 'lots of'. By saying 'nuff love' you're meaning 'lots of love' or 'enough love' x
Damn, I love that girl. I give her nuff love, man!
by Musicalliv5 July 4, 2015
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The leader of the karate gang in the 80's movie The Last Dragon.
"Don't you know who I am FOOL! I'm Sho Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem!"
by El Kabong August 20, 2004
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Its a slang country term for "sure is" or "sure will" or to respond in agreement with some one or a statement
Donna: That maybe why we clicked, because we understand each other.
Me: Sholl nuff
by theinspiration March 8, 2015
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loadsa stuff, bare shizzle, lots of shizznit
"eh bredren, what a 'gwaan?"
"nuff tings, mon"
by Solomon Vasey January 14, 2006
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