When a female is urinating on a mans face for sexual pleasure and passes a kidney stone.
Would you like me to give you a golden meteor shower?
by Mesaferggie January 3, 2016
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When you have diarrhea but it's not completely runny. It comes out as several small pieces of shit really quickly that all hit the water like a meteor shower in the sky.
Guy 1: "Man, there was a porcelain meteor shower last night after I ate all that Mexican food."

Guy 2: "WTF dude TMI!!"
by Tex-Mex Shawn C. September 21, 2010
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The act of a blumpkin, with projectile diarhea. Best performed while slightly hovering over toilet seat so the partner is aware of the Blumpkin being performed and also is awarded with the chance to wish upon a shooting starfish.
Shirley wished upon the shooting starfish once she realized Tommy was performing the Meteor Shower Blumpkin.
by RonLive October 26, 2010
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During sex, the mexican meteor shower is the act of taking a shit on your partners chest but pinching it into smaller pieces then smashing them slightly.
OMG DUDE! last night i was giving you're sister a mexican meteor shower but i had a diarehha attack and shit water all over her.
by Keiembee April 9, 2007
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A special Stanfordian Night where you hook up with people in ways that do one of the following
a) break rules
b) break boundaries
c) break typical hook-up rules set for yourself
Last night was that meteor shower night, and he took her out, fucked her on top of a building outside, and she was one of my professors
by Meteor Shower August 12, 2008
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While engaging in anal sex you , after ejaculation you urinate in your partners ass. She then emptys her rectum on your body.
The man i am now with is sure in to some kinky stuff. He wanted a Port Arthur Meteor Shower last night.
by bonescrub January 17, 2010
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