man who enjoyes bleach(hanime/anime) and has a bedonkurus pp also likes platinum end
me:i saw mathias the other day
mathias: go watch platinum end
by thesegsyrock April 20, 2022
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A girl a lot of guys will like but turns out to be a bitch in the end she is usually forgotten about over time thats a Mathia
Mathia pretends to like but will talk about u behind their back.
by Noahthebestatsoccer January 11, 2014
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One of the most gay people in excistence, smol pp energy and has not performed sexual acts, with WOMEN! Mathias Furenes is the type of guy to lick your ass until it gets sore, and then wait for it to regenerate so he can shoot the guy in the head and eat them like a canibal from the ass to the neck.
- Wow Mathias Furenes is moving to Vigrestad!
- Finally, I am so tired of him.
by ilikewomenandamstraight January 31, 2022
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A massive ghandi stan with demented pinkis. She loves stuffed animals and spamming her snapchat private stories. She has a very loud extroverted personality and is more than ready to karate chop anyone because she is really strong. Olivia is a jack of all trades and she attracts tons of male attention from her incredibly diverse looks and personality. She is unexpectedly very smart even though she doesn’t act it.
Wow i think i love Olivia Mathias and i really want to take her home and carry her children.
by TeeJay DW March 19, 2021
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Mathias Kholer is he name of an anime character from the anime Hetalia where countries are people. Mathias Kholer is the human personification of the country of Denmark that is located north of Germany.
omg Mathias Kholer is so fuckin' sexy even though his english voice actor for season 5 sounds like a 12 year old.
by BowtiedUp123 November 20, 2015
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