A person who refuses to wear a mask.
Person 1: This guy at the store wasn't wearing a mask.
Person 2: Did you ask him why?
Person 1: Ya, he said that since everyone else was wearing a mask, he didn't have to.
Person 2: Such a maskhole!
by Emma-NEM March 22, 2021
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A maskhole is a selfish person who insists that everybody wear masks just to make them feel safe, despite massive scientific evidence that masks do not prevent diseases, including the warning label on the box of surgical masks.
A Karen yelled at me earlier to wear a mask. She's such a maskhole!
by Sporkinator March 24, 2021
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People who act like an asshole whenever they see someone not wearing a mask. Regardless of the reason such as difficulty breathing due to COPD, asthma or have already recovered from COVID-19 etc. Regardless maskholes use it as an opportunity to act like an asshole.
I was in the store 15 feet away from anyone else when this maskholes Comes up to me yelling that I don’t have a mask on. When I try to explain that I have already recovered from COVID-19 and there’s no possibility of me spreading it it didn’t make any difference.
by volfreaking September 19, 2020
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Witless MSM rubes who never were exposed to NBC Warfare (Nuclear Biological Chemical) training and believe because liars in their media and government told them masks do something beneficial believe it. In actuality it does nothing but lower your exposure to blood spray and spit which goes directly thru ALL masks after a short frame of time. No face shield or mask stops any air borne pathigens from entering your body, ever. Proven military warfare training fact. These people still with no right of reason will scream and yell at people who know better when everyone of us has already been exposed to whatever virus they believe they are defeating as they can't even comprehend basic public human interaction and hygiene.

A group of people who will believe anything told to them on t.v. or by the government. Even when a science proves different and the military and 30 countries won't accept it.
A group of moronic Maskholes came up to me today trying to scream about how I wasn't wearing a mask. When I told them that they didn't understand basic elementary anatomy and physiology and the diameter of viral pathinogens they lost their proverbial shit. They also got every virus and bacteria in a 10ft radius coughed on them by their partners "Ted" and "Karen" because it was absorbed straight thru all their masks.

Fcking stupid Maskholes.

Morons who attempt to call people who DONT WEAR A MASK "Maskholes" when they clearly never had one to begin with...thanks for playkng. You wear it in your car if it makes you feel better.

The real enemy isn't the anti-maskers or the Maskholes. It's the fools taking a mutegenetic shot who will end society. There is a reason they didn't test it on animals, it's because it killed them all the first time they tried it. But you go right ahead. We'll sit over here and live, dumbass.
by ARsithuldore April 6, 2021
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A person who intentionally gloats or brags about their wearing a mask to prevent covid in order to signal to others their moral superiority. Individuals who display this characteristic have a propensity to also display narcissism.
That customer came up to me and rambled on for five minutes about how they wear a mask to combat covid and how important it is and how people who don't wear masks it are evil. What a maskhole.
That customer came up to me and rambled on for five minutes about how they wear a mask to combat covid and how important it is and how people who don't wear masks it are evil. What a maskhole.
by roningnann March 29, 2021
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a person who always complains about someone else not having a mask on, or better known as a libtard.
Karen:" where is your mask?"
Nicole:" i have a disease called CS Maskhole"
by Ncheried March 31, 2021
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someone who is judgmental, indignant, rude, or harassing of someone who chooses to wear a facemask whether or not it is not required by law or guideline
I went into the crowded bar wearing my facemask and several anti-maskholes made rude comments about me and even threatened to forcefully remove my mask if I didn't take it off.
by Ryno-Chicago May 21, 2021
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