a lazy person that lies about doing work and wants everyone to think they are the victim.
see Badria Al-jamal & Eeyore. Both are loafs.
by SJH&MC January 8, 2010
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1. A shaped mass of bread, cake, or sugar.

2. To be lazy or idle. To pass the time in a leisurely manner.
1. It is relatively easy to make bread if you have a few hours of your time.

2. During the hot summer days, a lot of folks simply loaf in the shade.
by AYB June 29, 2003
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I went to aspen today with jim and loafed so hard.
Loaf sesh all day every day.
Johnny loves to loaf.
by loafthecity February 17, 2011
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Means a person is fakin
Can also be used at the end of jokes
Sherie you be Loafn You know u wan to give up da yea
by Steven Walker February 3, 2008
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1.The act of precisely placing an object in the desired target area.
2.The use of manly finesse to throw a pass directly into the receiver's hands.
1.Did you see Kurt Warner loaf that pass in for the win last night?
2.Hey bro, loaf me that Natty Ice.
by OriginalLoafmaster August 7, 2010
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to push off, stall on something needed to do or someone you want to talk to.
you loafing on that english paper; you loafing on the girl.
by brianna charlton February 27, 2008
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when an individual is acting ratchet/annoying, specifically in New Rochelle NY
Stop being such a loaf and get to class!
by hoodplace March 4, 2014
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