As in Millennial or Millennials


A dirogitory word user to describe a millennial when that person does something retarded.
Lenni /Lennies: a millennial or multiple Millennials doing something retarded.

Mike: "HOLY SHIT! Did you see that kid just get hit by that car?"

Chris: " Yup, he was staring at his cell phone trying to catch a Pokemon ."

Mike: " What a fucking Lenni."

Chris: " Fucking Lennies ."
by August 21, 2016
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Getting so shit faced that you end up with no money in your bank account, 300$ concert tickets, a thong hanging above your bed and no memory of the night before.
Guy 1: "Dude, I got so wasted last night and now I cant find my car."

Guy 2:"You were Fuckin Lennied dude!"
by Katieaimee September 25, 2008
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a fine, sexy ass, tall guy.
a well rounded individual.
ladies love him
Damn, i wanna be like Lenny when I grow up. dATS SAT NIGGA.
by ???? February 19, 2005
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Denny's past midnight; late night denny's
Yo after this beer lets go to Lenny's
by Zona Lewis July 28, 2009
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a funny kid who makes people laugh and likes stuff. He gets tackled at his locker everyday.
what time is lenny getting here
I don't know
hey there he is
lets go and attack him by his locker
by pacifistemokid March 2, 2004
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the white guy that hangs out with carl the black guy on the simpsons...has a weird eye problem...his real name is Lenford
"AAAAh my eye! Im not supposed to get jigs in it!"
by waAGhA! March 15, 2005
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