The hickest town in ALL of history. Everybody knows everybody, but hates each other at the same time. Also known as Drama Town.
I hate Leland, North Carolina!
by Krystal with a "K" August 15, 2008
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The shit of all memes. He is the shit, talks shit, and makes a shit living out of a house of shit. But shit, he is a shittin' awesome guy!
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best movie ever created, starring Ryan Gosling
omgz did you see the united states of leland?
yea it was s0o0o0o sad, omgz.
by alexis h. July 16, 2006
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Leland Speech and Debate (LSD) ((Yes, that's the actual abbreviation)) is a program designed to teach students about the art of performing. There are two options, which are either speech or debate. However, while speech and debate isn't inherently a bad thing, Leland Speech and Debate is. The reasons are as follows:

1. Pride. Every coach and teacher is always right, no matter what. You will always be at fault for everything that happens.

2. Greed. The program "requires" a starting donation of $600 from each student, which is an extreme detriment to poorer families. Furthermore, each tournament requires a fee to be paid, further increasing the frivolous spending by several parents and guardians.

3. Lust. LSD loses track of its own independence in the attempt to follow other successful speech programs footsteps, thus, becoming one of the many other faceless speech programs in the midst.

4. Envy. LSD always tries to be what it can't, instead becoming resentful and releasing its rage upon the innocent students enrolled in the program.

5. Gluttony. LSD only uses a fraction of all of its money to fund the coaches, tournaments, and classes.

6. Wrath. If you miss one of the many deadlines, you will get yelled at. No way around it. Even if it's something you cannot control, they don't care.

7. Sloth. Information is never presented in a timely manner. Several deadlines are proposed without a reasonable amount of time to achieve them.
Richard: Hey, did you enjoy Leland Speech and Debate?

Richard Jr.: Fuck no! I wish I was never enrolled in this class!

Jasmine: Of course! Now I'm going to study for 4 hours, practice my 6 instruments, and finish my homework in 15 minutes!
by CrystalGeyserman February 3, 2021
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May 14th is National Bully Leland Day, find your Leland of choice and bully the living hell out of him
Hell yes! Is may 14th, National Bully Leland Day, Leland, Shove a Jimmy-Dick up your Ass
by ssimapala08 May 14, 2022
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He is the most gay fucking person you could ever see. He would be the type of person to snatch up a two year old and the have sex with the father and then you but still never admit he is gay.
Look it is Leland Metcalf he is extremely gay.
by BrowserCentral January 10, 2022
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