When you and yo girl fucking in the kitchen while you watching porn, and it heats up the situation
Lamar: Aye what'd y'all do yesteraday?
Jamaal: Me and my girl did a oven laptop yesterday
by Lil Teemo August 25, 2016
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When sitting with a friend while both are surfing, playing games, etc on your respective laptops. Could also be with other techie toys, such as tablets or smart phones.
Him: What do you want to do tonite when I come over?

Her: Bring your computer. We can just sit on the couch and have dueling laptops.
by SteelerPP August 29, 2012
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The ailment that derives from bending legs to prop up laptop while lying on bed for a long period of time.
After a full night of this, laptop legs can cause unsturdy walking, random collapse of legs, the giving in of knees.
''Why you walking weird?''

''I had to finish that essay last night- now I've got Laptop Legs''


FIRST... there was athletes foot
THEN... there was Texter's Thumb
by savi-xx May 3, 2011
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A desktop computer and monitor that can be accessible by a couch or chair that sits in front of a TV and can be used just like a laptop computer.
Right now, sitting on the couch, just facebooking on my ghetto laptop and watching sportscenter.
by king cortez the third August 19, 2010
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A Laptop Jaffa is a male whose sperm count has been reduced to zero by constant placing of a hot laptop on the genital region.
Pass me the cushion, I don't wanna be no Laptop Jaffa!
by Aidy_is August 6, 2008
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People who campout in the coffee shop all day with thier laptops nursing a coffee while trying to look cool.
I would love to sit down and enjoy my coffee but the tables are all filled up with laptop campers.
by Bany Ninja December 3, 2010
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when you have a laptop sitting on your leg for a long time and the heat from the laptop burns you. more common in old laptops
after chris had a harcore chat session with his friends on his laptop he had major laptop burn.
by Sir_Schmoopy May 22, 2007
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