A word used by stupid untallented bitches who ride to fame on the coat tails of their more famous siblings. It could also be used to define lipsynching.
by Starwind236 January 16, 2006
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to chat or talk with a person you know or dont know.
1. Hey! Who wants to lala with me?
2. Lets Lala.:
by babydedz May 14, 2008
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a type of sea shell in which the shell inhabitants can be eaten
hmmm..that lala is all squishy in my mouth.
by lala January 4, 2005
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A lala boo can be a male or female someone who fucks everybody, a hoe ,cheater , somebody who talks to everyone or think there really someone you just know when someone is a lala bop
Me hey kaya. Kaya:what
Me: you know that girl fucked her bsf man

Kaya: Yes she’s a lala bop
by Boo#2 December 1, 2022
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to be satisfied
ooo lala that was soooo goood
by kiodf November 17, 2009
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shorten way of sayin lara lazas or la$as name lala
hiya lala u ight hunni? im gd neway bi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
by me me me!!!! February 18, 2005
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Lala Ji literally defines to "my homie" or "the brodie" (what you would say to a close friend or close person. )
"Suh Lala Ji, how's life?"

"Yo Lala Ji, haven't seen you in a hot minute!"
by Lala Ji September 8, 2017
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