Pretty much explains itself. A young, bitchy, selfish want-to-be who enjoys making a fool out of herself while being completely fake. Accomplishes best being the worst friend; yet still succeeds to manipulate over people until...they realize. Always goes for older men; but getting used is totally okay in her world as long as she looks cool for the time being. Everyone loves a Lacey, not!!!!
"Ew look at Lacey over there being all fake over there with those guys!!!!!"
by PeaceLUVLaceyLOL December 26, 2009
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The girl who goes to parties says she gets drunk and tries to fuck your boyfriend.
aslo a huge ass hoe.
likes to fuck every guy she sees.
has a fake tan that looks bad and lot's of freckles.
boy-i'm going to a party tonite
girl-make sure you stay away from that LACEY!!
by janie dodson August 14, 2009
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Dave: Damn that was getting lacey last night
John: Yeah man
by BrooklineMA March 23, 2009
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A cunty ass bitch who only thinks about herself. She tries to be a good friend but really isn’t. Boys only like her because of her butt and boobs. She’s fake as fuck and sends nudes way too much. If you meet a Lacey who is ugly fat and has a lot of freckles with dirty blonde hair then stay the fuck away. Shes a snake and don’t waste your time and tears on this bitch ass hoe.
Me:I went to the zoo and went to the rhino section and there was a baby Lacey eating.

Friend:Duhhhhh of course she was eating
by Gsnwhsvvwvaysvsvvwv March 19, 2018
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The biggest BITCH I have ever meat.
Needs to wash her mouth with soap, because of all the shit coming out of her mouth,her mouth is the dirtiest place in the world.
Can't keep a secret for her life.
Talks shit behind your back.
Is gonna get the shit beaten out of her by someone who won't talk her shit anymore.
Lacey: Did you hear that someone called you a big fat loser?
Girl: No, how said it?
Lacey: I did you need to lose some weight you hippo!
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A crazy, rude, nasty person on the inside and out. She isn't anyone you would ever want to be friends with because she will betray you and ditch you over a guy that will probably end up breaking her heart anyway. Her friendship isn't worth your time. She is a slut, but guys don't even like her. She will be one of the most unattractive girls you will ever meet.
Lacey is absolutely crazy
by Roxy-Ray(:: August 1, 2011
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The biggest bitch you will ever meet she is obsessed with boys and stalks them in instagram if you ever come across a lacey be carefull she will chat shit about you and all your friends don’t fall for her traps once ur in it’s hard to escape once u fall out just let her go she also can’t slit her eyebrows or fight to save her life
Lacey slit her eyebrow do try and impress mason, it didn’t work he hooked up with another girl
by Potato🙃 February 2, 2020
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