ok so jada is a real bitch. she dresses a bit slutty but tbh she is prob the best friend you could ever have. she is normally very short. lots of boys find her hot. she loves to have fun and is a adrenaline junky. jada loves coffee and boba. normally she is a scorpio. starbucks and tpumps are her weakness jada usually has a great style even though it may be a bit revealing. usually jada has gorgeous eyes and incredibly long lashes.she loves makeup but doesn't really need it. jada normally has brown hair with gorgeous highlights.
jada is hot
ikr i wish i could make her mine
by jade <3 September 22, 2019
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A girl that is a extreme thug on the inside. can be very nice at times. but if made extremely mad she can become a mean thug. an undercover thug. that likes to take pictures but when she wants to. a shy person. loves music. very sexy and is waiting to find the right person to be in a relationship with. has a lot of haters and loves them.
girl that is black and is named jada
by Gurtrode February 21, 2009
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Jada is.. different in a way. Sure, she’s lazy, and doesn’t want to do anything but sleep and/or listen to music but seriously, if you know a Jada, just know that you might’ve found a genius. They’re not in a specific friend group but she is noticed by others for her ... weird aura. Don’t misunderstand them though. They may be going through some issues that they wouldn’t tell you. You may think they’re your best friend but in reality... you may know nothing about them. Convince them to open up and their shell will crack open to reveal and dead soul. Revive them and try to convince them to not do.. some of the bad ideas that they had in mind.
Person: Who’s that?
Person 2: Uh... I forgot her name but I think she was sleeping in math class
Person: Oh yeah, that’s Jada
by A g u s t D October 7, 2018
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The Girl that every hoe wishes to be and Every nigga wants to date . She Beautiful , Goofy asf & Cool ash , everybody likes her . Not worried about NO nigga feels like if you cant help her get yo where she wants to be she dont need you .
I want to be just like Jada when i grow up .
by prettygaaldee December 20, 2016
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Is a nice girl who will beat you up. She loves cookies and flamingos. She has brown hair and is skinny. She doesnt eat a lot. She hates homework and is hella crazy once you get to know her.
omg who is that crazy flamingo lady
Thats just jada
by elmo da man August 20, 2018
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A jada is a very gorgeous girl who makes you instantly like her. Her smile and bouncy curls make guys be having boners. Very big ass and big tits, thick thighs, athletic and fast runner, loves to listen to music, can very rude but in a suttle way and a very tight pretty pussy , trying to keep her virginity for long but may give it up before marriage, wanted by all the guys and can even charm you with her personality and words. Not a player but as for being so wanted, she has had many ex's 5+. Bait faced girl and easy to spot from afar as her fashion and swag is sexy and shows off all her curves in the right ways, can be very shy and insecure but has one bf whom is her ex and bf on and off and is her friend with benefit which she shares everything with, very smart and intelligent but dreams of typical: arwww baby no I love you more, you hang up first! White couple talk and can be easily in satisfied in her relationships leading to dumps!very funny and her personality is sweet, caring, flirty and a bit of a liar at times, loves to have fun and very apologetic, indecisive and loved by many peng boys, mostly suits lighties and brownies, black boys, and surprisingly blonde white boy.
Jada sexy
by Lightie like stickz June 29, 2013
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Jada is a cute girl. She has a nice big booty and gets all the boys. She’s popular at school and dances good. She could steal your man.
“Jada is so cute”.
by Cutes45 December 31, 2019
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