When you have a horrible crush experience that you fall in love with them and they don’t know and you had to induce that it would probably never work out.
Yea I had a crush with him End it was really bad like I was totally IGORED from that experience
by Oops hear comes the popo November 17, 2019
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Intense Gay Oral Rape. Can also refer to the Tyler the Creator album.
Person 1: Hey bro, want some IGOR?
Person 2: Yeah, sure!
by RBLXStealer June 30, 2019
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see wordretard/word.
i can't move my right hand properly - igor
by ramjay July 27, 2003
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fat, obtuse, weird-type person. May sometimes be mistaken for an Ape.
Oh My god, what's that, is it an ape? no its an Igor, RUN!!!! <massive fart sounds>
by Ee-gOr July 29, 2003
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igor is a planner
i cant cook you sandwhiches because i didnt plan it...nevermind that i claim to not be a planner so im not making sense. oh bother, ill just come to terms with the fact that igor is a planner
by vixen September 3, 2003
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