Super cute and loves food. Can be stupid but is extremely hilarious. His blue eyes are amazing and you can’t help but smile at him all the time. His voice is deep. He is quite tall and super skinny. Not athletic and can be a party pooper something’s.
Girl: holy crap I think I’m in love!

Girl2: with who?

Girl: Gus!
by Mark tushman December 3, 2017
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"We were playing cards and I got a pair of Gus and three tens."

"Why are you such a queen Gus?"
by Gus is the Queen December 13, 2004
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a big fat kid who trys to be gothic but he isn't really and he loves popcorn he is also known as patrick
"Oh my god. look it's another gus!" "i think he prefers the term patrick"
by Matt March 11, 2004
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the biggest spastic in limerick. Rian is so much better than him in every single way.
by shockermcgee March 22, 2017
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'those gus r kewl'
by cosy July 22, 2003
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One that bullies uncontrollably by choice and intends to scar for life. Tends to be a dick at social gatherings whilst drinking all the goods and eating everything in sight. Cares about his friends but will also threaten to destroy them at any given time. One might even say that a Gus won’t buckle his seatbelt no matter how many dings go off during a drive. A Gus may typically be someone who has anger issues that trigger an overload of drinking or vice-versa. A standard Gus trait involves road rage 100% of the time. Many fucks will be expressed and will often result in body slams and punches to the face. Under the surface, a Gus will have a soft heart and loving arms. A Gus has untapped potential when dealing with the opposite sex. Anything and everything can happen when a Gus is in sight.
Hey Kenny, why don’t you take Mo outside and unleash the best Gus you can. Teach him a lesson.
by DirtSurgeon March 21, 2020
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