Crazy blonde Italian girl who gets everything she wants with her playful and cheeky personality. With her the party never ends. She claims she doesn't like relationships but tends to fall deeply in love very quickly. She is bilingual and speaks multiple languages very well. She is athletic and is able to adapt to many different sports. She loves Tequila and green juice. if you want an unforgetable night CALL GIULIA!! She is an amazing singer and a true friend. She is reliable and good to talk to.
by Solapop March 24, 2023
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Is that Julia!?
No. That's Giulia.
by TeaAddict May 29, 2023
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The Italian girl next door. Lush curls, piercing eyes, bod of a goddess. Can make a mean lasagna if you’re worthy. Too smart for you or your friends. NEVER MISSPELL HER NAME or you will face harsh consequences.
Guy 1: damn who’s that babe walking over there?
Guy 2: oh that’s my neighbor, Giulia. She’s too good for you bro, don’t even try.
by BertaBertissima November 23, 2021
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A: So your entire friend group is part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
B: Yes, literally everyone but Giulia. Girl's as straight as a ruler
by samsaekgoyangi April 17, 2022
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A: So your entire friend group is part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
B: Yeah, everyone but Giulia. Girl's as straight as a ruler
by samsaekgoyangi April 17, 2022
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Giulia. Wow she is an italian girl. she is very kind hearted. She loves her family and friends. she likes to play soccer too. Gkulia is such a prettty girl. Everyone wants to be her friend. She is only. shy aroumnd peoplel she doesnt really know. BUT aroumd her close family and friends, she is crazy! Lots of teachers like her, but she isnt a clss pet. She is pretty popular too. She loves dogs,. especially poodles snd muts. She loves tiktoks especially making them.
Francesco- wow that new girl giulia is gorgeous
girl-RIGHT! to be her
by your fav Italian February 28, 2023
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Giulia is beautiful and always kind to others.She is that crazy friend who acts like a crackhead at all times.So easy to talk to and extremely funny. Best friend you could ever ask for. Giulia always hides her feelings because she doesn’t want to be a burden to others. She is the type of friend who will do anything for you and will always put anyone before herself. An overall sexy beast and hilarious friend, the life of the party.Giulia is so strong because she has lots of pain but still manages to hide it. She gets attached really easily that’s why she gets heartbroken a lot. Giulia will only have one best friend because that’s the person she knows she can count on no matter what. If you have a Giulia in your life please treat her well.
When Giulia enters the room everyone always looks at her.
by Joshiscooler November 22, 2021
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