An expression of eating, or a sound thereof. Also could mean a sexually suggestive action upon either a male or female, one would use the lips and not so much the teeth, avoicing a chomp chomp like action
I.E. Ow, this steak is good -Nom Nom-

Man, she was Nom Noming on me last night pretty good.
by Lys April 21, 2005
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1) The act of eating
2) An act of affection
3) A sound to express satisfaction through eating
4) The first sound made in the morning when you wake up next to the person you are twitterpated by.

"nom nom nom!"

"mmmm nom nom nom :)"
by Nommer1 April 1, 2008
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A cute Imitation of the sound of a kitten or lolcat munching on a cheezburger. A cats' favorite food, apparently.
"I saw a cat Nomming this kids face once!" Kid-1
"No way!" kid-2
"yes way, the giant words, 'NOM NOM NOM!' appeared right overtop!" Kid-1
by puurple kakashi August 1, 2009
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or nomming, nommed. basically a geeks way of saying to eat something. Or if that person is stuck on lolcat vocabulary.
Person 1: Duuude, I'm totally gonna nom those marshmallows.
Person 2: I wants noms :(
by Seiri will nom yew July 17, 2009
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Slang for a cat or a kitten. Based on the fact that they nom nom nom everything in sight until trained not to. This could include furniture, electronic cables, and various publications.
"Awww man. The nom nom just ate the cord to my Guitar Hero controller!"
by dkuck June 30, 2008
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dude you should of been there I woke up this morning and Ben's mum was gargling on my nom-noms!
by Michael Snee November 19, 2010
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