You thought I was gonna put the same thing here right welll no. This is a bail and switch meme read more for more info duh
epstein didn't kill himself
Well i was gonna put it here since it doesn't appear on the search.
by iliekmaymays January 15, 2020
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A way that Nonces can identify each other without outing themselves to the general public.
Andrew: "Hey whats going on down in this basement"
Ghislane: "Don't worry i'm a Friend of Epstein"
Andrew: "Lol me too, lets nonce this child."
by Donaldinho_iswot March 11, 2021
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Epsteining. To perv around.
Friend 1: Dude where's Joe?
Friend 2: He's Epsteining.
by Tango Mango October 25, 2020
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A situation where it appears an individual who was minding their own business mysteriously committed suicide but in reality was forced into circumstances where they assisted in their own murder.
The hungry rat epsteined itself when it took the bait and set off the trap.
by Phytosanitary October 17, 2021
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A single use swing set that is erected in a small room. It is not set up by the user more as a surprise FOR the user.
I give it a week before Ghislaine Maxwell is playing on the Epstein swing set
by Fred44 December 31, 2022
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A single use swing set that is erected in a small room. It is not set up by the intended user but as a surprise for them
I give it a week before Ghislaine Maxwell is playing on the Epstein swing set
by Fred44 December 31, 2022
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Refraining from getting into sexual relationship with underage women ie. the abstinence from the infamous Jeffrey Epstein's behavior.
Joe: Look at that chick over there!
Jack: Show some epsteinence, mate. She is probably not even 16.
by thing2x January 1, 2022
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