An amazing feeling you get when you lay on you side for 5 minutes with peroxide, drain it out, then dig with a Q-tip.
Janis: James, what are you doing?
James: I’m cleaning my ears and having an eargasm.
Janis: You know putting the Q-tip in all the way can push down wax, right?
James: nah, the peroxide got rid of it ah ah aaah alll... wow, that was good.
by H Heroine February 10, 2018
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- whenever someone says something so awesome that it feels like someone just splooged in your ears and want to procreate with them immediately or high-five the shit out of them, dependent on gender and preference.

- when music such as a song, record, or certain part of a tune is so awesome, stellar and otherwordly that it feels like someone just made love to your ear holes and you climaxed in your brain with the deed filling your skull like apricot jelly.
" Did you hear what she just said? I think I had two eargasm's within thirty seconds, and we just met!"

" I had the most intense eargasm from the breakdown and solo thanks to the second tune off the new MMJ record!"
by blyndmelun February 8, 2013
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When you listen to a sound so good it is like an orgasm for your ears.
Listening to The Invisible Wall or My Devil On The Bed by the GazettE causes eargasm.
by Konata D. Kirkland July 28, 2012
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Bro1: "Dude did you just hear Just the way you are?"
Bro2: "Brooo that song is tight. His voice is eargasmic"
by studbrownie69 November 2, 2010
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A liquid produced after listening to something very pleasing to you.
That new song from East Torino made me bust out so much eargasmic fluid yesterday! So much in fact, that both of my shoulders were completely soaked!
by Donavan Dutra April 27, 2010
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Eargasm is a the sensation that people get when listening to a really nice tune, especially those whose beats go higher and higher...

This term is derided from Orgasm.
<Admin>: im bored...
<rodm3d>: listen to this: Binary Finary & Trent McDermott - Freedom Seekers (Arctic Moon Remix)

>Admin is AFK

*6 minutes later*

<Admin>: shit
<rodm3d>: what's wrong?
<Admin>: I got an eargasm at 1:45 I can't take it any longer!
<rodm3d>: good. now give me admin rights.
by R0DR1G0 February 19, 2011
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when utilizing cotton tipped swabs to cleanse your ear canal, such as with name brand Q-tips, an exhilirating sensation occurs in the process as when stroking with a firm grip.
i finally bought some wooden handled cotton swabs and i can get a real good eargasm after my shower.
by seajhay July 8, 2005
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