Bored people caring way too much about things that have nothing to do with them or going above and beyond to make rumors be truth.
Dang there's a lot of drama going on...
Wow...I wish people would stop with all this drama.
All this drama is making me want to drop a nasty dook in someone's mouth.
by turd is da wurd August 3, 2010
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the biggest of all bullshit. consisting of backstabbing, blackmailing, disharmony, gossip, and in especially malice

unnecesary bitchiness, hate and incompetence or cause of such brought upon and/or made a big deal out of.

'those retards needs to shut the fuck up and stop causing all this drama and hating among us. they talk shit but dont do shit.'
"Keep unnecessary drama to yo momma!" - Bryan (social scientist)

"I'm sick and tired of your bullshit and drama. Fuck you and yo momma!" - (again the social scientist)

DRAMA - because even yo momma will kick your ass to the curb and say GROW THE FUCK UP!
by That Buff Dude December 13, 2007
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a word that is overused, overdone, and overanalyzed.
Abby: Ughhh, more drama.

Andrea: I know, when does it stop.
by jfkdlaajf April 4, 2009
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the most annoying and pointless thing in the entire world. pointless and uneccissary are the only words to describe drama. such a waste of time and breathe.
opposite of maturity.
you will never be able to use mature and drama in the same sentence.
those girls are such drama vs. those girls are so mature.
by -md July 15, 2010
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making a big deal over something unneccessarily
That bitch! I'm gonna kick her ass!

Dag Jenny, all she did was look at you. Why you gotta be so drama?
by Ashley St. Claire March 14, 2003
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A verbal STD, commonly distributed in high schools, but also found in colleges, workplaces, residential neighborhoods, and nursing homes.
1. Dude, don't think about it. That bitch has major drama.
2. Oh fuck, I've got drama.
3. Drama is hilarious when it happens to other people.
by MrXcitement April 6, 2008
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Typical way for middle and high school students to pass time.
Example of drama:
Saskia: "Talia's being a bitch."
Carmen: "Yeah, lets talk about her behind her back to everyone we know."
by Akery December 31, 2008
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