To dissmember or destroy something in quite a messy way.
"Dude, i just totally discombobulated that alien on my computer!!!"
by YOUR WORST ENEMY!!!! March 14, 2004
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Significantly to extremely drunk and therefore alcohol impaired. Naturally this is the sign of a smashing good time.
Hey Ted, let's find a bar and get totally discombobulated.

Man, I got so discombobulated at the party last night. Good thing I had a designated driver.
by ViciousBadger August 15, 2010
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to be pushed to the point of extreme confusion, whereas you become tired and enter a drunk-like state.
someone has their head titled back, with their tongue hanging out. they are drooling,and keep trippign over their own feet.
"Is he drunk?"
"No, he's discombobulated,"
by fugabutacus August 1, 2005
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adjective - have been re-arranged according to combobular's theorem (everything is reversed front to back, then replaced with sonething totally different)
the sky was afflicted with discombobulation; it was reversed from blue to eulb then to seven in the blink of an eye
by jebus crites November 30, 2003
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When your so fucking high you can't even tell that it's your dog sucking your dick and not your 6 year old sister.
man i was so discombobulated i didn't even realize that i was eating my cats ass
by thediscombobulater April 10, 2017
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Knocked into a state of mental and bodily confusion in an athletic competition.
Ronnie Lott, Michael Strayhan, and Lawrence Taylor discombobulated many quarterbacks, running backs and wide receivers during their NFL careers.
by Nypsey September 6, 2008
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