In catholic circles as i grew up, the devils' triangle was a girls' pubic area. The pubic bone and the thigh creases form a triangle and was a forbidden zone. Hence, the devil's triangle.
Hey judd, if you've been to the devil's triangle you might want to break out them prayer beads before going to church again.
by TeoSR September 29, 2018
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A game in which four people sit at a table with three glasses in the middle arranged in a triangular formation. Each of the four participants takes turns being the "shooter". The shooter attempts to bounce a quarter into one of the glasses. If the quarter landed in one of the glasses. the person at the table sitting nearest to the glass had to drink the beer.

Confirmed by Justice Kavanaugh's classmates
Friend 1: "Hey do you want to play Devil's Triangle?"

Friend 2: "I was told that was a form of rape by CNN."

Friend 3: "Its sad that people are so desperate to destroy a man's life that they cling to absurd stories like that instead of accepting the logical conclusion that phrases like these are just bad inside jokes written by innocent high schoolers. It was even confirmed to be a game by one of his classmates."

Friend 2: "Good point, let's play."
by DisillusionedCentrist October 5, 2018
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A drinking game with....uhhhh.....3 cups
Senator: What is 'Devil's Triangle'?, Judge Kavanaugh: It's a drinking game
by kellsash September 27, 2018
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An absolutely innocent drinking game played by privileged, entitled, legacy ivy league frat-boy douchebags. There's no sex or coercion of sex involved. Really. But if something rapey happens and you need back up, call the Republicans.
The Devil's Triangle is a drinking game, senator and not nuffin' rapey, which I am not. How about you?
by Rapepublicans October 2, 2018
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Also known as a Devil's Three-way, the Devil's Triangle is three-way sexual intercourse involving two men and one woman.
"Sometimes my me and my bro like to take on one girl at the same time and Eiffel Tower her."
"You don't get weirded out by a threeway with two dudes and one woman?"
"Nah man, there's nothing wrong with a little Devil's Triangle between friends"
by Dwayne "The Rick" Johnson October 6, 2018
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When Collins, Flake and Manchin FFFFF_ck millions of women all at once.
It's so sad when Senators choose politics over people and do a Devil's Triangle.
by October 6, 2018
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A drinking game. Three glasses in a triangle. It's a quarters game.
No, Senator, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, and that man. I was too busy boofing from my weak stomach. Devil's triangle is a quarters game.
by Scottama September 27, 2018
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