Someone who supports the LGBTQ+ community and who hates the Straight men population. More specific: Degenerate.
Damn you're a big degenerate
Why? The truth is real! The straight men population should be locked up for good!
And I'm proud to be a Degenerant
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Of or referring similarities between a person and the lesbian comedian Ellen Degeneres.
"I love Sara, she's so smart and funny"
"Yea, she's pretty degeneres"
"Oh, I didn't know she was a lesbian"
by oceano98j September 1, 2006
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most horsemen atending races at eather buffalo race way or batavia downs, also see drug addict pervert slut whore
God damn it i dont want to work with those fucking degenerates.
by angel February 6, 2005
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A degenerate is a person who resides in the shit-hole town of Sparta, NC.
That boy Donnie McWatters is such a fucking degenerate, he'll never leave this town.
by biggg sexxxy July 6, 2009
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Generally someone who has no grasp of reality and the people around him and rather spends their time on "hobbies" like video games, chronic masturbation and of course roleplaying.
I'm not a degenerate I just prefer other things. Is it so wrong to be different?
by 123456879 December 15, 2017
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Some one who has a life

Not necessarily a good life but a life none the less
If someone calls you a degenerate you know you have a life
by Cthulhuzzz January 14, 2019
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