Doing productive things with your time. Therefore not spending all your time on the Internet or watching dumb shows like glee.
by Jo26 June 29, 2015
by AshHasALife March 13, 2023
That thought that runs through your mind as you are vigorously masturbating your micropenis to a weird hentai video or other obscene pornography, while your seven chins shine with all the sweat you have built up, that makes you stop stoking it and weep to yourself while contemplating suicide.
During his 7th j.o. session to incest tentacle hentai, in one day of course, Steve looked down at all his dirty plates, cum tissues, foreclosure notices, and shitty attempts at drawing his "waifu", and thought to himself "What has my life come to?" He then rocked back and forth in his underwear on the floor contemplating death the whole time before crying himself to sleep. Suicide depressed
by Lord Manatee July 19, 2017
As I'm typing this, I am slowly dying from heat stroke because of this insult. Never use it, unless you want to die.
by john stromboli February 16, 2021
n00b: Damnit I can't kill this kid before he kills me!
Other Gamer: Well man you cannot kill that which has no life.
Other Gamer: Well man you cannot kill that which has no life.
by Tobascoman February 2, 2010