Can replace any type of word in the English Language
1) nouns
2) adjectives
3) verbs
1) See Steve? He is a doop
2) Steve is very doop
3) Steve's very good at dooping
by one_hit_wonders April 27, 2011
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The action of scooping ones bottom whilst simultaneously perching. dooping, dooped.
"You need to doop to get 3rd degree burns."
"My legs are so burnt from dooping last night."
"The stock market hell dooped last week."
by ckcc August 22, 2011
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Scott is a doop
by Christy February 12, 2003
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The act of oral sex performed on a male by a female.
Micah woke up in the morning to a very fine doop doop.

Her head was bobbing up and down -- doop, doop, doop, doop...
by Robby E. February 16, 2007
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Person 1: Hey!
Person 2: Hi. Did you do the test in Smith's class yet? It was so hard.
Person 1: What!?!? There's a test in Smith's? I have him next.
Person 2: Lol calm down I'm just dooping.

Person 1: You're a horrible person you know that right?

Person 2: Debatable.
by I don't know a name to use August 23, 2017
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To describe someone who has no positive attributes, and is completely neutral in appearance. A "doop" usually is identified by their lack of money, a blank face, and unwillingness to achieve anything in life.
Man : Do you have that $5?
Doop : Well the thing is, I never actually have $5 on me at anytime...
Man : Your actually a massive Doop
by Tony Henny's Yuss Extravaganza November 18, 2013
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L337 talk for "Duplicate"

See also d00p
I sold him <insert rare object here>.
WHA?! R U Nsane?
It's ok... I dooped (d00ped) it.
"HEY, Can you doop(d00p) this?
by Ghouki January 10, 2006
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