what you would call a crazed postman, who joins the marines to kill people. warning signs of your friends becoming "cuffs": 1. they only leave the couch to piss or drink.
2. they have people deliver their laundry saying its from the "Mailman"
3. they tell you they want to join the marines to kill people
4. the couch they live on smells like stale urine and Dorito's
the mail man came by the other day, he was mumbling to himself and smelled like booze. i bet hes gonna go cuffs one of these days.
by chappy pickshisnose April 25, 2008
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All the trash talking you do AFTER the law enforcement officer has placed you in cuffs.
If I didn't have these cuffs on, I would t-bag that officer. Now, I am full of cuff courage.
by reglou7 November 16, 2010
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A word used to describe a foul smelling vagina.
William Bennington; "Sorry Gertrude but I will not be partaking stimuli of your lady button tonight"

Gertrude Whittingstall; "Oh William why on earth not?"

William Bennington; "Because my olfactory perception of your sheath is rather like the odor that emits from a binmans cuff!

Gertrude Whittingstall; "Cries"
by cheekycheese June 30, 2013
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The term refers to the habit that some men had of flicking their wrists in order to show the cuffs of their sleeves, and the cufflinks. The phrase goes back to the days when celluloid collars and cuffs were the salesman's answer to the laundry problem when on the road. With the high-buttoned jackets of the period, the collar and cuffs were all that showed, and since celluloid could be wiped clean with a damp cloth, a shirt could be made to last a week.

Dandies would like to ostentationsly show their cuffs in a sudden and showy way.

It is also called "to shoot one's linen" in an unnecessary display of shirt cuff.
Watch Joe ishoot the cuffs/i before he goes up to that chick...that shit drops panties.
by Balzy July 11, 2008
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Normally in the fall or winter. a time when people find a boyfriend/girlfriend either before the Christmas, or before valentines day
Guy: "its cuff season! I need a girlfriend!"
Friend: "Go out with your. Neighbor."
Guy: "Yes, she's perfect!"
by Life of Ferlonzo December 28, 2016
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spontaneous; done without any planning or rehearsing
the actors on the show "whose line is it anyway" are known for their ability to do comedy sketches off the cuff.
by hipster March 26, 2004
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Almost like cankles, but more like shirt sleeves. When someone is so large that their fat folds over and looks like the cuffs of a sleeved shirt.
by Kasandra68 February 25, 2008
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