33 definitions by hipster

spontaneous; done without any planning or rehearsing
the actors on the show "whose line is it anyway" are known for their ability to do comedy sketches off the cuff.
by hipster March 26, 2004
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to be dragged into a situation, most of the time unwittingly, that you otherwise wouldn't necessarily want to be a part of

-from "winch", a device installed on the front of a watercraft trailer, consisting of a reel of cable turned by a motor, with a hook at the end of the cable, to pull in a boat or other marine vehicle from out of the water.
"Todd and his gf won't be able to join the rest of us at the cottage for the long weekend, somehow they got winched into helping his sister move.....suckers!!"
by hipster April 22, 2007
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the hair surrounding a girl's pussy, though there doesn't have to be a lot of it; often a nice trimmed bush can be classified as a pelt.
I love to brush Holly's soft pelt gently with my face and lips before giving her the full tongue treatment, this gets her all hot and wet so she'll be ready when I dive in for the kill!
by hipster August 21, 2007
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"It's gettin pretty close to crunch time,better finish that report soon."
by hipster November 11, 2003
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we're gonna put the plans for the new place on ice for a little while.
by hipster November 20, 2004
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verb: to "kill" someone - literally or figuratively
"if you ever bring up my ex's name around my current squeeze again.....so help me dude, I WILL flatline you!"

"I heard one of the perps got flatlined by the cops at that liquor store robbery last night."
by hipster November 18, 2006
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to leave or get away from somewhere, usually in a quick or urgent nature.

can also be worded in the form of a direct order.

"It's gettin kinda late, we oughta make tracks pretty soon."

"tell those guys to make tracks, they just can't crash a party uninvited!"

by hipster April 14, 2007
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