A male who comes to have sex and leaves when he is done. The sole purpose to be instant lustful pleasure, avoiding uncomfortable morning walk of shame, they never stay the night. Flies in, flies out done

Antonym : bird
Your boyfriend is such a ‘crow’.

Sarah is with ‘crow’. (refers to nature of relationship)

How is ‘crow’?
by Attacked by a crow August 12, 2020
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Satan in disguise. Never trust these things. They will squack for backup or just plain caw at you until you go crazy. They can often be seen duking it out with bombers (seagulls).
I was walkin down the street and the crow was on a power line. I yelled "you'd better shut up!"
by Rob April 11, 2005
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A military term for a recruit undergoing basic military training.
Stay away from the bar tonight as the crow are allowed in.
by blackninja980 September 21, 2007
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Toke from the bong with tobacco underneath the weed.
yo man lets go rip a fat crow
by croster October 4, 2010
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An adjective which is derogatory towards what you are describing. This began when there were crows picking out of the bin in the back garden which is filled with old plates we couldn't be bothered washing up. I retrieved a tea mug out of this bin to wash and use and so it was dubbed a "crow mug" and I SWEAR it tastes of nest.
Can also be used to describe ugly girls.
Example 1:
"Ugh this burger is well disgusting.."
"Ew, Crow burger.."

Example 2:
*see's a fat girl with her rolls hangin out*
"Aww fuckin crowie over there mate!"
by Ander Anti-Venom February 6, 2008
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Being drunk off of your nuts yelling,cussing, and throwing obscene gestures to rotten women.
Uncle was kicked out of a bar for crowing too hard!!
by UncleRemus August 31, 2005
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In the not too distant future, Next Sunday A.D. there was a guy named Joel, not too different from you or me. He worked at Gizmonic Institute,
Just another face in red jump suit.
He did a good job cleaning up the place, but his bosses didn't like him & they shot him into space.
They sent him cheesy movies, the worst they could find...(la! la! la!) They said he'd have to sit & watch them all, while they monitored his mind.(la! la! la!)

CROW was, and perhaps still is a custom designed satire-bot created by a desperate man trapped in a space ship. AKA the Sardonic one.

Crow, along with Tom Servo and Gypsy was also one of the reasons Joel and Mike were forced to jump and run whenever they got movie sign. The reason Joel couldn't control when the movies began or ended, is because he used those special parts to build his robot friends.

See Crow T. Robot and mst3k
Mitchell!! "..You're really stupid if you get hit by a car AFTER the Apocalypse."
by Lord Armand Banana July 11, 2005
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