Someone who is utterly useless. Refers to the least-selected crayon in the box.
I don't know how that guy ended up getting promoted, he never does ANYTHING. He's a White Crayon.
by Armed & Hammered July 26, 2006
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When, no matter how many times you wipe, you keep getting that single streak of brown.
Jesus! Is there, like, a brown crayon in there?
by Fred Foo August 21, 2007
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a log of shit that "draws" on the inside of the toilet when you flush
i could have given my toilet to the museum after that poo crayon
by progun December 4, 2008
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a wet turtle head capable of smearing skid marks into your underwear
'oh man, I've got a serious fudge crayon going on and it's drawing a pretty picture in my pants'
by RowdyRoddy January 8, 2010
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A derogatory term used to identify US Marines, often used by the other branches who feel inferior to mock their supposed stupidity.
Chair Force Guy: You serve?

Jarhead: Yes.

Chair Force Guy: What unit?

Jarhead: 2nd Tank Battalion, Iron Horse.

Chair Force Guy: Ah a Crayon Eater, that would explain why the little bus dropped you off earlier.
by MackDaddy69 May 8, 2019
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People who main Titans in Destiny 2.
Guy 1: Yeah, I main Hunter in pvp
Guy 2: Hunters are pussies, Titans are way better
Guy 1: Fucking crayon-eaters, all they do is punch shit lmao
by whataboomer December 15, 2019
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