Adjective used to describe something that is so awful, it's awesome. Often used to justify a guilty pleasure, such as fast food or reality television.
Wow, that karaoke performance was craptastic.
by Katrina July 16, 2003
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A word used to describe something that happened, that should not have happened...or as I say

Also used when something happens that the chances of that happening are so small, it would require the planets aligning and hell freezing over, end of the world type thing.
Awww....that's craptastic! The U.S. lost the war against Indonesia!!
by Popovishka December 16, 2005
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Chris - "I got rear ended on California Boulevard and was 20 minutes late to algorithms!"

Val - "Oh that's just craptastic!"
by Val January 11, 2002
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A sarcastic use of "fantastic". Indeed saying that something is crap.
Geez man, that english lesson sure was craptastic.
by Bladen June 26, 2003
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This word is a mixture bewteen Crap and fantastic. it means ssomthing that is so aawful its wonderful
Elle:OMG check out my pimped pants
Jason: Yeha that was craptastic
by PoodleZz April 18, 2009
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1.Something that is unexplicably tackey 2. A foul smell that deserves recognition.
That double wide is craptastic.

Look at that craptastic lady over there.


What is that craptastic odor?

That fart was craptastic!
by The Sam James April 17, 2008
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